Thursday, August 26, 2010

Crabby Witch

I absolutely HATE when I am crabby.  Especially when I really have NO reason to be.  It consumes me and even though I tell myself "snap out of it already!" It has a mind of its own and tells me "Bitch, screw you." 

I was uploading a pic to my walgreens photo account today for Suzanne and came across a few old albums back to 2006.  There was a pic of me with my naturally curly hair, holding a glass of wine, of course.  I think the curly hair makes me look older and my face chubbier.  So I guess washing, straigtening, and recurling my hair every morning is worth it.  See?  I am bitching and moaning and whining.  It's 10:38 am...too early for a glass of wine?  I am in need of some PF Changs Sebastian time.  The 3-4 hour "lunches" at the bar.  Yeah.  That's what I need. Someone come get this Winey Witch will ya?

~ I am in that kind of mood ~  That's how I roll...

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